I'm babysitting babies and I'm curious...


Superstar Fish
I do not know much about fishie babies because I have never had any, nor do I plan to. But I am watching about 50 guppy babies and 5 dalmation molly babies while my friends are on their honeymoon (disney for a week, must be nice...sigh;) ) I was thinking...I swear that they are at least a month or so old, and I would have thought that they'd be bigger. They are still only about a quarter inch long and are all albino-y colored still. The only markings are little black dots forming on their tails....When will they start getting bigger and forming colors? The mollies were born like 6 days after the guppies and they are already 3/4 of an inch and are starting to get their spots... do they just grow faster?

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