I want to start a FISH ONLY SALTWATER TANK, what equipment do i need??

Jun 11, 2011
I want to start getting my feet wet(pardon the pun) in the saltwater part of the hobby. I have a spare tank, that is big enough for the fish we want to get. We dont want to have any corals or anything that requires too much work or skill to keep alive to begin with. I just want to know what is required to set up a successful tank. I mean, i know you have a tank, filter and heater(do you need a heater??). I want to use either aragonite or crushed coral, and my LFS has liverock. What else do I need? And how should I go about starting the process of getting it together?? If anybody could give me a list of equipment or a step by step of how to set one up would be great, I have been VERY successful at keeping freshwater fish. I know its not the same, but I want to learn. Please help me in any way you can. Thanks alot