How long to heat an aquarium?


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
When I filled my 30g i ran a garden hose into the house from the front yard and at the time was using a 10-30gal non adjustable heater from walmart and it was up to temp within 8 hours.

Now I fill up new tanks from the tap so i can get the temp about right from the beginning.

I would guess its best to have the water around the proper temp from the beginning so the heater doesnt have to work as hard.


Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
Hmm, I've never had the stick-on thermometers be that far off. I must have just gotten lucky with the 5 or 6 I have. In general though, I agree, it's always best to invest in a quality thermometer.

FWIW, it took my 100W quite a while to heat up my 29g, but then, you have twice the wattage. And by "quite a while", I mean like 3 or 4 hours. Common sense should have dictated to you that the water wasn't going to be 20 degrees colder than ambient temperature in the room :p


Medium Fish
Feb 2, 2008
Cayucos Beach, California
You were all right. It was the stinkin $3.99 thermometer. I bought a nice one after that, Its a TOM Aquarium Temp Alert. When I put it in, it read 80. My water temp was good all along. I was able to get my first fish last night so I can start cycling. I appreciate all the help and am sure I will be back again to ask more questions. debbie