Hi Guys! some one to share my hobby with at last!


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hi guys I have just found this messaging board today. It sure is great to find somewhere where I can talk to people about fish without boring them silly!  Whats more I can ask loads of questions if and when I need to. :) I first became interested in fish when after a kidney transplant when I had to give my Lizards to another home because the risk of infection and Salmanela was higher due to the immune suppressants stop the body from rejecting the kidney. anyway I have kept fish now for 2 years and I love them all the more. THEY ARE FAR MORE INTERESTING THAN THE REPTILES! Although yo can't handle them. there is more to do with them, fish are just more interesting! Im sure you all find the hobby facinating!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: Hi Guys! some one to share my hobby with at la

Welcome to the board.  I hope you are in good health and having a fish tank is very therapeutic.