Hi everybody. Texas here.

Oct 28, 2010
Hello. I'm Chip. I'm a college student who's urgently living at home to pay off my latest big purchase.

I have always been an aquarium fan and started out slow last semester with a five gallon tank. That five gallon turned into a ten. Then a twenty. And then I skipped a few steps. I am not the proud owner of a 210 gallon tank that is sitting at the foot of my bed in my room. I love it so much.

Here is a list of the tanks I manage and an almost accurate list of the fish in them.

1 - needle nose gar
1 - dinosaur (Senegal) bichir
1 - tiger Oscar
2 - pictus cats
2 - pangasius cats
2 - orange eclipse cats
2 - dalmation mollies
2 - spotted puffers
2 - Bala sharks
2 - silver dollars
2 - red bellied pacus
2 - red finned tinfoil barbs
2 - golden tinfoil barbs
4 - red platies
3 - plecos
X - rosey reds (changes daily)

55 (my mothers tank at our family business):
1 - parrot fish
3 - algae eaters
8 - various tetras (can't remember names right now)
4 - tiger barbs
2 - Cory cats

1 - red eared slider (turtle)

I look forward to learning a lot from people on here and getting some answers to any questions I might have.

Thanks for looking. :)