About 2yrs ago I bought what I was told was a pleco from a pet store. I thought the big ones looked cool when sucking on the glass & was an absolute fish novice.
They bagged up 4 of them & I took them home.
I didnt see any of them for weeks so I phoned the pet store. They said it was perfectly normal & that they only came out at night when everything was dark.
A week later with still no sign I did a complete tank clean (i know what was I doing!!) & came across 3 skelentons......yes they had all died bar one.
Back to the pet shop I went & they gave me 3 in replacement........
2 weeks later the 3 were dead. So I gave up.
I grew suspicious about a yr later that the remaining live one "Flat Eric" had not grown at all & was still 3 cm in length.
But as I have a goldfish that has never grown I gave the store the benifit of the doubt....until this week.
Stumbling around ebay I found out what I actually had bought.... Butterfly Hong Kong Pleco Hill Stream Loach is the full name.
I do not know anything about these fish, he does seem happy but I wanted to get him breeding (assuming its a he) & wondered if anyone has any experience with these cute little fish.
He seems happy & the Goldfish totally ignore him but where can I get more & what do I do to breed them as I want to avoid the massacre I had last time where 6 died.
Any thoughts??
P.s the pet store where I bought them has since closed....gee i wonder why!!
About 2yrs ago I bought what I was told was a pleco from a pet store. I thought the big ones looked cool when sucking on the glass & was an absolute fish novice.
They bagged up 4 of them & I took them home.
I didnt see any of them for weeks so I phoned the pet store. They said it was perfectly normal & that they only came out at night when everything was dark.
A week later with still no sign I did a complete tank clean (i know what was I doing!!) & came across 3 skelentons......yes they had all died bar one.
Back to the pet shop I went & they gave me 3 in replacement........
2 weeks later the 3 were dead. So I gave up.
I grew suspicious about a yr later that the remaining live one "Flat Eric" had not grown at all & was still 3 cm in length.
But as I have a goldfish that has never grown I gave the store the benifit of the doubt....until this week.
Stumbling around ebay I found out what I actually had bought.... Butterfly Hong Kong Pleco Hill Stream Loach is the full name.
I do not know anything about these fish, he does seem happy but I wanted to get him breeding (assuming its a he) & wondered if anyone has any experience with these cute little fish.
He seems happy & the Goldfish totally ignore him but where can I get more & what do I do to breed them as I want to avoid the massacre I had last time where 6 died.
Any thoughts??
P.s the pet store where I bought them has since closed....gee i wonder why!!