Hello,i'm pretty new and i have a problem with my female livebearer goldfish.I bought her from a shop along with 2 other male fish.I put them in my medium fishbowl.There were some shells and a big shell with a big hole inside,big enough for a pregnant goldfish to fit inside.I cleaned their water on the 2nd day,and on the 3rd my small fish died(probably out of stress since he was suffering from a lot of stress the first day) and we threw him in the toilet.Then my mum came and said that our livebearer dissapeared.We toke off all the blue rocks,searched all the shells,looked all inside the fishbowl,but no sign of her.I thought she might of jumped behind the drawer but it's impossible since our fishbowl's hole is too small.I dont have any cats.I decided to put my male black fish in a jar for safety and im returning him to the shop tomorrow along with the food.But still,where can she be?We didnt have any worms in the fishbowl either.