Hello anybody out there....


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Big Apple, NY
Whus up!..How's everybody doing? I just surf on to this site a few days ago. Nice site...
A little about me, My location is Big Apple, NYC born and raise.
I've been into this aquarium hobby for 9 years on and off.
My first experience is with fancy goldfish from Ryukin to AAA grade Ranchu from Japan. Started out with a 30 gal long and ended up with a 55 gal. I sold my goldfish for a 100 gal. (72"x18"x18") and some filters.
For sometime I had a dozen Blood parrots, 1 large Gibby sailfin pleco and 2 large featherfin upside down cats. I also traded those in to my LFS.
Now I have three 4" Datnioides Microlepis (Indo tigers), one 3" Ctenopoma Acutirostre (Leopard spotted perch) and one 3" Flying fox.
You can see my gallery at http://arofanatics.com/members/ken91gsx/At the meantime I'm also growing Amano style plants for my 100 gal. tank. (Riccia, Xmas moss, Stargrass and Anubias nana.)
In my 9 years I've tried most filers in the market and Emperor 400, Pro 60 Bio-wheel, Eheim 2217, 2028 and Filstar XP3 are above the rest. IMO
So I hope I can be of use to this site.