Gourami Mouth Sores

Jan 26, 2009
Newark DE
So I have a dwarf red gourami that I bough at my local fish store around 2 months ago. All was well until he got a sore on his mouth! I immediately checked the water parameters, did a water change, and quarantined him. So far, absolutely NOTHING I have tried has helped him. I've tried antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiparasitic medication. His mouth is locked open from the sores and I'm not sure if he's getting food. I crumbled the flakes up for him so it's easier for him, and it seems like he's getting at least a little bit every day, but his color is DEFINITELY fading.

Any advice would be fabulous, I hate watching my new baby die! I don't know what else to do!!:confused: