figure 8 puffer

Sep 5, 2011
New Jersey
Unfortunately, my recently added chromides, my old chromides, and my pleco all died within the last month or so. ive checked all the parameters and i was fine. no nitrites, no ammonia, and a solid 7.0 ph. granted, the pleco is a freshwater fish, but i dont even know where it went. the chromides kind of killed each other before i put one in a freshwater tank where he flourished for two weeks before dying.

now i am left with my beloved puffer and 3 bumblebee gobies. however, i am looking to switch the tank back to fresh (less maintenance, more choices of fish, plants) and i know the gobies can convert (i bought them in freshwater) but the puffer cant. any ideas?


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
the puffer lives in freshwater at a young age, so maybe you need to do some more research. then as it gets older it goes into brackish, and then eventually can go into a almost saltwater type tank, but brackish is fine too. they can be aggressive and fin nippers too and the tank should be heavily planted or something to block direct line of sight between it and other fish.

thegobies need to be in brackish.

did you buy the fish starting in freshwater and not acclimate them well enough to your brackish tank? whats your salnity?

Sep 5, 2011
New Jersey
the tank is set up fine, ive owned the puffer for close to a year now. the water sits at about 1.008 right now.

this thread is not about my parameters or how to set up my tank. its about what to do with said puffer. i want to leave brackish but i really like the puffer.

as for acclimation, i do the same drip line acclimation that i do with all fish. its possible the chromides never recovered from the stress of getting attacked when they entered the tank.