female platie is being a bully to other female


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I recently got two males and two females yesterday and took one male out today due to illness. now one of my larger females wont stop nipping and chasing my other female. ever since I took the other male out she seems to have got an attitude. also she seems to be hanging around the male really often and when the male goes near the other female she gets in the middle and chases the smaller female away, my question is, could she be spawning or something? and also my male keeps niping at her little eggshoot thingy, pardon my lack of knowlege of the fish anatomy. how can I get her to stop harrasing my other female and why is she doing this? pls pls answer quick I am nervous!!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
did you get these fish from the same store/tank?

if so, i would treat them all for whatever disease the male is showing, cuz if they came from the same place they might have it as well and are just not showing symptoms yet

that might solve your problem by putting all the fish in the tank your treating the male in



Large Fish
Nov 9, 2002
Los Angeles, California
Visit site
Nah shes just going through PMS!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!

im kidding. the bigger female might just be the dominant female in the tank. just wait until the other one gets bigger or take out the mean fish then put it back in 30-60 minutes later.