Dragon Fish (Violet Goby) Question


Small Fish
Apr 9, 2003
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I just bought a Violet Goby from my LFS. They had it in a freshwater aquarium with other freshwater fish. I put it in my tank with 1 dojo loach, 1 rubber-lipped plecostomus, and 4 zebra danios.....my question is.....can the other fish stand a slightly brackish tank? I know that the Goby does better in Brackish water. Thanks in advance for the help.

Last edited:
Nov 9, 2006
I have a dragon fish that I've had in freshwater for years and it was absolutely fine with it and other fish. But I got a Beta and put in the tank with it and a cory cat fish. A couple of months went by and something happened to my Beta and it died. a couple of weeks later my dragon fish I noticed had big white cottony patches all over it and its fins kindly under its head looked like it was covered in white but it also looked like big red streaks where all through it and it travled up and down it's belly to it's tail. I got medicine for it and it seemed to have gotten alright for a couple weeks...But it's really sick now, there's no obvious signs of a fungus or parasite on the skin but his breathing has really slowed and he stands straight up with his mouth a little out of the water and you can see bubbles like he's gargling....I've talked with the local pet store owners and they have no idea what it could be. I've tried searching on here but nothing has came up.

I just bought a Violet Goby from my LFS. They had it in a freshwater aquarium with other freshwater fish. I put it in my tank with 1 dojo loach, 1 rubber-lipped plecostomus, and 4 zebra danios.....my question is.....can the other fish stand a slightly brackish tank? I know that the Goby does better in Brackish water. Thanks in advance for the help.
To be honest, no the other fish shouldnt be in brackish water. They might be able to "stand" it for a short time, but dont do it. I f your going to keep the VG, get another tank and set ity up correctly for him/her, if you cant get another tank, please take him back to the LFS or find some one who can give it the proper home.

I have a dragon fish that I've had in freshwater for years and it was absolutely fine with it and other fish. But I got a Beta and put in the tank with it and a cory cat fish. A couple of months went by and something happened to my Beta and it died. a couple of weeks later my dragon fish I noticed had big white cottony patches all over it and its fins kindly under its head looked like it was covered in white but it also looked like big red streaks where all through it and it travled up and down it's belly to it's tail. I got medicine for it and it seemed to have gotten alright for a couple weeks...But it's really sick now, there's no obvious signs of a fungus or parasite on the skin but his breathing has really slowed and he stands straight up with his mouth a little out of the water and you can see bubbles like he's gargling....I've talked with the local pet store owners and they have no idea what it could be. I've tried searching on here but nothing has came up.
You need to check your water parameters, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates ect. sounds like something is amiss. Also...you need to do the same with your VG, if you've truely had it for years it is more than likely an adult now, and adults DO REQUIRE mid to high end brackish water to be truely healthy.


New Fish
Mar 25, 2010
I just purchased a dragonfish yesterday and the salesman told me to feed him goldfish flakes. Also to do nothing special with the water...that it was simple to care for. After reading these posts...I see that he was wrong to give me that advice. Any extra help would be appreciated. I dont want him to get sick. We also have some black fin sharks in the tank.

May 10, 2013
I have a dragon fish and I really love it! He's so funny to watch. I feed him the frozen blood worm cubes from Petco and the TetraColor flakes. He swims all over the tank. I was a little worried when I added ghost shrimp but he doesn't bother them. I have a betta, 5 neon tetras, 2 bumblebee platies, 2 black mollies, 1 red flame gourami, 10 ghost shrimp and 3 cory catfish. They all get along. My tank is heavily planted and I have two cave structures in there so there are plenty of places for him to sneak around.