DIY power filter


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
 If any of you are like me you are alwaysexperementing with your fish tank to make yoou fish and eyes happy recently i have been looking to make a river tank and was looking for pumps or filters well i found a gold mine when it comes to cheep yet powerfull pumps and filters i found them at wal-mart and the pump/airator/filter is in the fishing section it is intendid to be used for live wels but can be used in fish tanks as well it runs at about $17 and a power supy can be bought in the electronics sectin jest buy a cheep 12v power supply at about 8 dollers and you are all set to make a river tank or jest have a filter to put in with your fish during watter changes and full tank cleanings well check them out and start thinking
