cycle update


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
May 15, 2001- setup filter and heater, Temp 84

May 16, 2001- PH 7.6 added 30 drops of ammonia, test for ammonia at 0ppm

May17, 2001- added 30 drops of ammonia, 12 tsp of bacteria starter, ammonia at 0ppm

May18, 2001- added two capfuls of ammonia, ammonia at 7.0ppm

May19, 2001- cut back ammonia to 30 drops, Ammonia at 6.0 ppm, no nitrites yet.

May20, 2001-added 30 drops ammonia, tested at 6.0ppm , no nitrites

May21, 2001-added 30 drops ammonia, tested at6.0ppm, no nitrites

May22, 2001-added 20 drops ammonia, tested at 6.0ppm, no nitrites

May23, 2001- added 25drops ammonia, testaed at6.0ppm, no nitrites,10tsp of starter

May24, 2001-added 25 drops ammonia, no nitrites, added 2 rocks

May25, 2001-added 25drops ammonia, no nitrites

May26, 2001-added 25 drops ammonia, no nitrites

May27, 2001-added 25 drops ammonia, no nitrites

May28, 2001-added 25 drops ammonia, no nitrites

May29, 2001-added 25 drops ammonia, no nitrites, ammonia still at 6.0ppm



Have you added any bacteria from another cycled tank? Works best from a cycled tank. If not, you will not get any no2 reading for a while yet. Ammonia should be starting to come down. NH bacteria can multiple every couple hours but no2 bacteria multiple only every 2-3 days. My 90G took 4-6 weeks to cycle because I did not add any bacteria except bottled stuff. NH bacteria did fine but it took forever for the no2 bacteria. Patience is the key.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I sent you a message...

Make sure you dont add any conditioner to your added water..if there is evaporation. They usually bind ammonia to make ammonium which is less toxic.

For your own piece of mind...try a different test kit...they can be bad. keep up those levels!!