Crazy Frog Race


Small Fish
Aug 30, 2008
Hi All,

Recently went to a fish show in Nakhon Sawan, and while we where there I witnessed one of the funniest things I have seen while I have been in Thailand. There were teams of 2 competing against each other, teams consisted of a man and a woman...the men sat on a chair with a plastic pipe and a big plastic one end of the 15 meter course the women had to grab a huge frog from a water trough aand run the 15 meters to her partner and put the frog into the pipe which them fell into the plastic bag.

The whistle blows for the end of the race and the men compare their spoils.

And the winner is!

At the end of all the races the frogs where put back into the trough and you could actually buy them. The Thai's breed these frogs for eating, I have never seen frogs as big as these before and no, I did not buy any..LOL. The old Thai boy that took us though, bought a dozen has him and his wife run a roadside cafe/bar and they where going to add them to the menu. I have ate frogs before but not anywhere near the size of these..the ones I had where small and had been deep fryed.

Jeff & Wan