Community tank ponderings...


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2009
I'm the happy owner of three male bettas, and I'm getting my own apartment this summer with a strong possibility of a good-sized (10G or 29G) tank, and it'd be nice to have a community tank to house some other fish with one of my bettas (probably my crowntail, has he has the most mild temperament). I've read hundreds of (often conflicting) websites by now about betta-friendly tank mates, and the corydoras catfish looks like my prime choice. The most daunting task about the prospect of a new tank is, I think, getting the right equipment. I have no filters of any kind, and while information about where a cory comes from can be found anywhere, I'm not sure about what a school of corys would need as far as filtration and aeration in the tank. Is anyone willing to share their wisdom and experience?


Medium Fish
Sep 27, 2008
hey and welcome to the tank raven! I have juli cory's and they are of the smaller variety and are awesome peaceful tank mates. you can get some pretty cheap 10g setups at walmart that would come with everything u need filtration system, filters, tank, top, light, etc. if your looking to set up a community, even a small one, your generally gonna want some filtration system along with scheduled water changes. *SUNSMILE*

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I'd stay away from undergravel filters. I've yet to heat something good about them. :eek:
You might try an HOB (hang on back.) This will probably do: Penguin 150B Power Filter<BR>Up to 30 gallon tank

As for fish, you could get any type of cory, as long as they stay small. You probably want to have a school of around 5-6. I have peppered cories, but my largest female is slighty over two inches! Check the "freshwater fish profiles" up top on the first bar to the left. Then you can compare the all the species.