chinese algae eater not oto...


Small Fish
Oct 27, 2008
paisley, Ontario, Canada
I went to my local pet store last month and picked up two *supposibly* oto's for my 55 galon tank. At the store it said they were oto's and thats what I thought they were because I didnt quite no the difference between the oto and chinese algae eater then. But once I put them in the tank and saw a few pics. on the internet I realized that they were not oto's. Are these two fish gunna work in my tank? Right now i have 6 barbs, 1 RTS, and 4 red eyed tetras. Also how big do they get?

thanks brent


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
Visit site
At the pet store I used to work at, I had someone return their cae because it was too big for there tank, it was at least 6" and more than twice the circumference of my thumb! I have never seen another grow that big, but just a consideration.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
this is off topic too but i would put the danios in the larger tank they will be a lot happier, and the tetras in your 10G
Red-eyes are larger tetras, getting up to 3". They tend to nip the fins of long-finned, slow-swimming fish. Not a good idea to move them to the 10, as the overcrowding coupled with the undersized school would likely make them even nippier than normal.

There's nothing wrong with the betta having the run of the 10 all by himself. If you must add something, I recommend harlequin rasboras. They're small, four ought to fit especially if the tank is planted, the betta shouldn't consider them a threat, hopefully, even though they appear quite showy to us humans.


Medium Fish
Mar 3, 2009
Help!!!!!! Cae not oto

:mad:I bought what was supposed to be an oto it was in a tank with otos. Looked very similar until i got him home and noticed a small pink patch on his head. Now in 2 month he has went from barely an inch to almost 4 inches and turned completely pinkish yellow. My ph, amonia, nitrates, and nitrites are all perfect. He digs up my plants, pushes decorative rocks around, and bullies other fish. Don't know what to do? I only have a ten gallon and would like to uprade in future but what to do for now.