Catfish problems


New Fish
Aug 23, 2009
I recently had a finrot problem in my tank
it has now been treated and all is good
I had three goldfish and 2 sucking catfish.
Today i bought 3 new goldfish and i noticed the catfish is chasing all the fish all the time as well as the other catfish.
the other is smaller and isn;t doing this
it's just the one fish, he seems very territorial
should i remove him from the tank or leave it???
any adivice would be greatly appreciated

Oct 2, 2009
I've trained fish of all types, aggressive and community, out of this bad habit by taking a piece (stick) of balsa wood (because it's soft and flexes) with rounded corners and gently tapping the fish whenever I see this happening. It takes a long time commitment, because for a while you have to be vehement about watching the tank to catch this behavior. i know it's 2 months after you originally posted but I hope it helps.