Breeding dwarf gourami

Oct 22, 2002
I have noticed my dwarf gourami has built a bubble nest and is becoming unsettled as he continues to swim back and forth (looking for love). My question is has anyone has successful breeding without using a breeding tank? How about one of those breeding cages, would they come in handy?

I have a 10 gallon tank with one male gourami, sharing space with 10 neon tetras and 2 amano shrimps. Would it be overcrowding if I bring him a mate with my tank? I have a lot of java moss (require constant pruning) and java fern in the back.

Thanks for anyone who can give me a reply. *celebratesmiley*

Oct 22, 2002
That boy is looking for love. I'm sure you will have success if you got him a mate. A breeding tank is for privacy of the breeding pair and also for the babies once they hatch. If you want to breed them you will need a seprate tank. Fill it only half way and put only an air stone for filtration. Put the pair together and once they have bred remove the female and let the male protect his nest. They will hatch in about 30 hours, then remove the male or he will eat the babies. Good Luck :)