Boseman Rainbows breeding!!!

Oct 22, 2002
*celebratesmiley*My Boseman Rainbows are going to breed! This will be my first time with babies and i'm not sure on what to do.  I plan to give them a spawning mop and let them lay eggs in there.  Then i was going to take it out and put it in a nesting basket in my 10 gallon and when the fry hatch, remove the mop and feed the fry liquid fry food or newly hatched brineshrimp.Any suggestions?


The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
hope this helps!

"Boseman's are quite easy to breed, requiring nothing particularly unusual for setup. The mating group should consist of one male and several females in a separate tank. A spawning mop of dense plants such as Java moss should be provided for the eggs. Prior to spawning, condition the fish with plenty of live foods. Spawning will take place daily, usually in the morning. Fry will hatch in approximately two weeks, and should be fed infusoria. Generally well fed parents will not eat the eggs or fry, and may remain in the same tank with the young. Detailed breeding articles can be found in the Net Links section below

If you are looking for a colorful addition to your community, or want to try breeding rainbowfish, this is an excellent choice."