best fish


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
[glow=Black,strength,width]I think that south american cichlids are great. Like the largere verieties. They have a great look and personality. You can actually get to know them.

    Ryan ;D

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My favorite has been Barbs. They have always been long living, are not picky about food, generally get along with other fish, and some are incredible in their colors and behavior.

[glow=Teal,strength,width]Cherry Barbs!!![/glow]

Cherry barbs are so cute! I love their little barbels. They are also beautiful. The totally red males really catch your attention. The females are also pretty. I love their shining gold stripe.

Cherry barbs are small and don't need to be in large schools (pairs do well) so practically anyone can house them.

I love their personalities too. They are so curious and don't seem to be afraid of people. They come up to glass to see what you are doing. They love to weave through the plants or poke around in the gravel.

They are little piglets when it comes to dinner time. I have seen one try to haul off an entire algae chip in his mouth. It would be like me holding a dinner plate in my mouth by its edge. They go bonkers over frozen daphnia. And they eagerly hunt for live mosquito larva in hiding that other fish would miss. It's so cute when they pull a glob of snail eggs in that jelly stuff and eat them. It looks like they are chewing gum.

They are peaceful with other species and their own. The males do this cute little dance at each other where they turn brighter red, spread their fins out, arch their backs, and swim parallel to each other in an attempt to see who's better. They only do this occasionally and don't relentlessly chase or injure each other like the males of some other species of fish.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I love catfish, all kinds. The uglier the fish, the cooler it is :) Although corys are d@mn cute with all their wiggling :-*

I also like the big cichlids, anything mean and aggressive is just so cool to feed. My oscar is very placid, but when i feed him, he's a beast! ;D



I have to agree with MaleRubyBarb and Cillana. I like barbs the best because of the reasons mentioned but also because they are so lively and active. My favorite barb is the tiger or green barb.

Oct 22, 2002
i'm sure it couldn't be forgotten..but you must add clown loaches..lots of color,movement,personality..and even of the best botton cleaners...they even move my gravel to find a tidbit!