apple snail eggs

A while ago, one of my two apple snails laid a bunch of eggs in the aquarium(but that was about three weeks ago). None of the eggs probably hatched, because I didn't see any baby snails. Today, my apple snail laid another batch of eggs, although I don't know what to expect. Will a female apple snail lay eggs even if there's no male around to fertilize them?

Feb 27, 2009
Yes, a lone female can lay unfertle eggs. A female can store sperm to be able to lay fertle eggs up to 6 months after breeding with a male, however.

Are both of your snails female?

Feb 27, 2009
Lots of different species are called 'apple snail.' You may want to look at websites on apple snail reproduction for some photos showing differences in the genders, depending on the species.