anyone know how to breed goldies?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Errr....I know the premise. I've never personally done it.  It is, ah rather involved, and much better explained by a good goldfish book.  There's one huge manual out there called "The Manual of Goldfish Health" or something like that (it has a huge oranda on the cover), that has everying (I mean -everything-) you'd want to know about goldfish.  I'm asking for it next birthday ;D

But in all likely cases, goldfish will not breed in the home aquarium, so you don't have to worry about hundreds of little goldfishies swimming around the way you would with livebearers. Nor would you have to worry about eggs. Goldfish that do not breed simply reabsorb the eggs in their bodies, and the female releases  long, kinky, stringy white fecal matter that is the left-over eggs. It should detach easily, and not be retained on the fish more than thirty minutes or so. Sometimes white stringy fecal material can indicate illness. It's hard to tell which it is unless you're one hundred precent sure you've got healthy goldfish.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
if you were realy crazy about this the best idea is to recreate nature.some catfish breeders keep their river cats indoors in a cold garage in the winter so it gets cold but dosen't freeze over.winter is still a while off so maybe you could try a chiller fro saltwater tanks or coil up some kind of fish safe pipe and make it into a radiatior like whats on a car but thats all kind of high tec.these ideas are all kind of far fetched for d.i.y. but how else do they provide feeders all year long.