After 6 years - Back in the hobby!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Heya there!!!  
I'm a 19 year old college student, and I have just recently gotten back into the aquarium hobby!  I originally got into it back when I was 11 or so, and I was a total addict back then.  I read every book that our library system had on aquariums, and read as many magazines as I could find back then.  I kept a really nice planted 20gallon tall aquarium back then, and then experienced burnout before highschool started, and gave it up.

It's been eating at me, and after much thought, I decided to go ahead and get back into it, and it feels great!

My current setup is a 6gallon eclipse system, I am keeping it small, as I have never tried anything like this before, and I seriously can't fund a large aquarium with college, and my cycling carrer taking up a lot of $$$!  

It's going to be densely planted, going to mod the hood a bit to get more light in there, and I'll probably end up stocking it to its limit, but you gotta keep things interesting, right?

It's nice to know that things haven't changed /that/ much since I left the hobby!  The only thing that seems major is low cost DIY Co2 systems seem to be the "in" thing now a days - I never had any of that when I had my planted aquarium in ... *gasp* normal aquarium gravel with no ferts or extraordinary lighting!!!!!  *thumbsupsmiley*

As soon as my water clears up a bit more, (ARGH! FLOURITE! ARGH!!!) I'll be sure to post some pics of the fishless aquarium while I cycle things up for a bit!  As for stocking, I am looking at some small cories, a pair of ottos, and either a Betta or a pair of Dwarf Gouramis.
Yep ... definately near the edge of stocking, but I don't think it'll be a problem!  *celebratesmiley*

It feels good to be back in the hobby!  So far, has proven to be an extremely valuable resource! ... i only wish I had the internet back then!  *laughingcryingsmiley*

Cheers! *twirlysmiley*


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002

Same situation with me actually. I worked in a pet store when I was 10-12 years old, I had a 20gal tank in our family room I kept up as well as 3 reptile tanks in my room. I got out of the hobby for a while, I'm 17 now and a senior in HS. I just brought my old 20gal aquarium up from our garage and I started cycling it yesterday with a new Aquaclear filter (I had always used UGF before).

It feels great to be back in.