a new fish geek

Oct 22, 2002
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Hi everyone! I was so glad to find this site. It's so cool! I have a couple bettas, each in thier own 3 gallon tank, 2 lion goldfish in a 30 gallon, some spring peeper frogs, and guppies that breed like crazy. I might try a breeding project with bettas soon. I have had fish since as long as I can remember and my parents think they smell,  ::) so all the tanks are crammed into my bedroom in every space I can wedge them into. If a person says that fish keeping isn't addictive, they are so wrong. Give them a goldfish for Christmas and see what happens by summer. I'm 12 years old, and in addition to fish, I'm also a total horse freak. I take riding lessons and love going fast.  ;D I'm really short and want to be a jockey or trainer when I'm older. C  u later!
                                      8) Splenden

Oct 22, 2002
Hi! Welcome to the tank! I love horses,too. You're right, bettas are so cool *twirlysmiley*!



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Never really got into horses myself but, i like going fast. Mmmmmmm.....roller coasters :) Hahah..... we lured you innow you have to stick to fish. mwahhaahha.  anyway welcome :)  :)

BTW: ;DYour my age