55 gallon tank for clowns


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
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How many clowns you reckon i should keep in a 55 gallon long? i was going for seven? i was going to keep it just a species tank, or should i have some fish that occupy the middle-top area?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Clowns are beautiful and interesting fish but I do recommend some peaceful fish to swim along the middle to top to just add some movement and color. If you have it thickly planted they may eat them and hide out of site in them. I agree 5-7 is definitely the max. That's all I know.


Oct 22, 2002
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You do need some different kinds of fish for the loaches.
When my 5 were smaller I had them with a dozen Tiger Barbs in a 33 long. They were great togeather but I got tired of the barbs constant chasing and spawining. After the loaches got too big for the 33 I put them in a 65 gal. 6 foot tank. They are now in the company of 2 dozen rasboras and 6 Gold Gouramis. In 5 years I have never had the loaches go after any of the other fish. They pretty much ignore them.
The biggest one is about 8" too.
So, go for it. Get some fish for the other layers of the tank and have at least 4-5 loaches. The more the better. They love each others company.