
  1. A

    Need Help with 2 Questions relating to my 10 gallon tank

    First question, I was wondering how many more fish i could fit in my 10 gallon tank, I currently have 2 neon blue dwarf gourami and 1 albino algae eater catfish or something like that. And second question, i was wondering what type of fish are there that are generally small, dont need a school...
  2. F

    Little bubbles all over tank walls and plants?

    I've had my betta, Sombra, for two months now and today i relocated him to a new 10 gallon tank in hopes add some other kinds of fish in with him soon. When I filled up the tank, these tiny bubbles formed on everything in the tank(even a few are on the marimo he has). I don't remember this...
  3. S

    LED lighting for planted tank

    I have just bought a new 55g tank kit that came with LED lights. I have had many planted tanks in the past and they all had florescent tubes so i just swapped them out with "grow lights". I have not dealt with LEDs as it has been a new thing since I had my last tank. I have the Marineland led...
  4. S

    LED lighting for planted tank

    I have just bought a new 55g tank kit that came with LED lights. I have had many planted tanks in the past and they all had florescent tubes so i just swapped them out with "grow lights". I have not dealt with LEDs as it has been a new thing since I had my last tank. I have the Marineland led...
  5. J

    Any help on determining what sex my fish is???

    Hi all Could you please help and advise me what sex my fish is?? I assumed it was male however ive noticed the other fish are following it around tank and wont give it a minutes peace.
  6. Savannah Monitor Momma

    Tank expansion possibilities

    So I have three 40 gallon breeder tanks and currently I use one for my Savannah monitor. I want to make his environment bigger but it's extremely hard to find a terrirum that meets his needs. I want to join two of the 40 gallon tanks together but not sure how. They won't be holding water...
  7. GuppieGal

    Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles

    My tank has been going for over a month now. It's a 10gal with pump and and air stone wall along the back. I also have a heater but my water has been a little on the warm side laity so it have it turned off right now. I have 4 guppies and 4 neon tetras currently in the tank. I'm currently...