African Dwarf Frogs Fighting

Aug 12, 2016
Right now I have a 5.5 gallon tank, a betta fish, a red claw crab, hermit crabs, and a hamster. I'm am not that experienced with taking care fish tanks. Today I noticed my African Dwarf Frogs fighting in my 5.5 tank. Right now I have 2 Male Guppies, 2 Ghost Shrimp, and 2 African Dwarf Frogs. I am quite sure that the Frogs are male and female due to the body shape in which I heard will determine the gender. I know they are not African Clawed Frogs because I have checked the feet for webbing on both front and back feet they both have it. I seen them nipping/biting each other they will have mini fights. I feed them aquatic frog and tadpole pebbles they both eat fine. My water levels are nearly perfect with a slightly high algae level. I'm not sure what I should do and any suggestions will help. My parents believe I have too many animals and will not let me get another tank to separate them. Is this normal and should I be considered. Am I able to put a frog in with the betta in some way or with the betta show aggression towards the frog. The betta is in a 1.5 gallon as of now.