Recent content by TheEnchantedTaco

  1. TheEnchantedTaco

    Betta has Fin Rot

    My betta has fin rot and I've been doing daily water changes whlie adding stress coat +. I have also been adding aq salt every other day. It's been about 9 days, and I haven't seen much of an improvement. The water parameters are good. Am I doing everything right? If not please tell me the best...
  2. TheEnchantedTaco

    @arcab4 Thanks! Will do.

    @arcab4 Thanks! Will do.
  3. TheEnchantedTaco

    @arcab4 thanks! I'm really happy to be on this forum. The other one I was on had some really...

    @arcab4 thanks! I'm really happy to be on this forum. The other one I was on had some really mean ppl. :( How do you ask a question?