Could I pretreat and store water?


New Fish
Feb 27, 2017
Hello guys,

I am just beginning, and have all of my equipment ready to start once I return home for my main tank. However, I'm on vacation and maybe it's my big heart, but after a visit to the pet and aquatic stores, I am also wanting a betta to bring home and spoil. I have bought him a five gallon tank, a few plants, a gentle filter, and a small heater for him. The kicker is that we're on vacation about 3 1/2 hours away. I don't have any fish stores near by, so I was wondering if it would be okay to treat some water overnight/store in a five gallon bucket; so long as I make sure the water is an appropriate temp, that I equalize water temps properly before adding him, and keep up on water changes/testing frequently until the tank is properly cycled? I want to bring one home to care for, but not at the expense of his happiness/health.
Thanks in advance. ☺